Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My first ride


It was about 10 yrs ago now that I took my first major ride, a friend of mine in high school had this 1985 Honda cruiser that he had fixed up and was looking to sell, at the time I didn't have the money but what I did have was that he was one of my best friends (always good to point that out). So... he told me I could ride it and just make payments since I had a job and all that jazz. So I hoped on started it up and again (like when I learned to ride) it was like ridding in the heavens themselves, I don't think I can think of many other things in my life that make me as happy as ridding does.

About 2 miles down the road the bike started to take a shit on me... the carb was clogged up and needed to be rebuilt (not a problem for my friends and I). We stripped it down and stuffed it with all the new shit we could find. I started it up again and blasted the 750cc engine down the back roads around my house. That weekend I make it a point to disappear, something I do a lot now that I think about it, but I was heading up into the mountains this time.

The winding mountain trails in Western PA are wonderful for any motorcycle, it will rock your sock off if its crouch rockets you love, it will give you days of views that never seem to be exactly the say year after year. For all of us on Harley's spots along the way that just seem to take you back it when it was all called the Ohio valley, to the times when wars where fought for the control of the land. In the fall people come from all over the country just to see the leaves change colors because its just such a breath taking sight the colors are so vibrant and clear, the air so crisp and clean, the sounds so silent, nothing but babbling brooks, rapids from the rivers rolling over the rocks, birds singing love songs and a few motorcycles ripping around the bends. Its just one of those places in our vast countries landscape that is just so memorable. I think all and all the trip was about 500 miles. I had made it all the way to NY when I realized that I should start to head back to the suck that I called my life at the time.

It was almost sad but after I got back and my friend wanted the bike back, he said he had found a buyer that had cash in hand. What could I really say I didn't have the money to buy the bike right than and there but at least I got to ride the shit out of it. He made about 2500 off that bike, his father had found it in a house that he was fixing up and the guy just gave it to him. It took about 500 bucks to get road ready and he got 3000 cash that day so all and all he bought all of us plenty of beer and we started a fire and enjoyed the fruits of our labor.

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